
Mission MAX Challenge: Complete!

The final results of my 10-week challenge, plus testimonials from other Feasterville members

By Marcie Ferrick, Macaroni Kid Lower Bucks, PA Publisher August 28, 2020

I did it. Fifty workouts, 5 days per week, 10 weeks. I’ve completed The MAX Challenge of Feasterville’s first 10-week challenge, and I feel fantastic. I’ve lost a total of 10 lbs and 8.5 inches, and my gains have been equally as exciting; I’ve gained strength, energy, and a belief in myself I didn’t have before. On the final day of the 10-week challenge, I took my one and only in-center class, which was an experience I’m glad I had the opportunity to have. The facility, the vibe, the music, the super-bouncy floors that make plyometrics easier, the air-high-fives with my fellow members (we can't actually high-five because, well, COVID), and being able to use the heavy bag on kickboxing day (goodbye aggression and frustration) made for an extra fun and motivating class. Although I still had a great experience doing the virtual challenge via Zoom, if you can take classes in-center, I highly recommend it.

Captured mid-star jack during my one and only in-center class and the final class of the 10-week challenge. Although it looks a bit silly, I love this picture because it makes me feel strong, powerful, and a little bad-ass.

So, as I continue on with The MAX Challenge as a Legacy Member, I think it’s pretty clear that I’m an advocate of this program. But don’t just take it from me. See what some of my fellow Feasterville Maxers had to say…

Chantel T.:

"I had gained quite a bit of weight over the winter months and I had already signed up for The Max Challenge and was anxious to start & then the Coronavirus hit the US and we were all told to “stay home” so I canceled my membership and proceeded to stay home and eat everything there was in sight: all kinds of junk food! And before this virus hit I was a gym person, I played indoor & outdoor soccer, played in 2 softball leagues so I’ve always been pretty athletic and at 50 years old I’ve tried to remain competitive in the sports I love to play. 

Around the middle of May I got on the scale and could not believe how much weight I had gained & I got my summer shorts out and couldn’t button any of them! And then I got a call from The Max Challenge offering me a great deal to join back up so I jumped at the opportunity! 

I started virtual on June 15th, working out in my kitchen at 6:00am so I wouldn’t wake my husband & daughter, lol.

My beginning weight was 183.4 lbs. I was excited about the nutrition & felt it was something I could easily follow and do for the rest of my life. I also was super happy with the fact that we could have a treat meal once a week, knowing I could have regular pizza and ice cream once in awhile made it so much easier to stay on track with my nutrition. And the Facebook page was super helpful if you had a question about nutrition.

I should mention I went on a short vacation from 7/1-7/6 and I had no problem staying on track, I did the recorded virtual workouts!

Then on July 6th the center opened, with face masks & social distancing and I loved it from day 1! Every day is a different workout. Dana, my instructor, is excellent at teaching & motivating us to “level it up”. I started noticing my clothes fitting better, my thoughts are clearer, my mood is more upbeat & happy & I felt like an all-around better person.

10 weeks later, I am 162.4 lbs  with a total weight loss of 21 lbs!

I joined their Legacy program and I am extremely optimistic that I will keep the weight off by following the nutrition plan that I’ve learned and working out Monday-Friday! I feel joining this program has been the best thing I could’ve done for myself at this point in my life & I’m so grateful we found each other!"

Chantel's AMAZING before and after pics!

Brianne M.:

"I joined the 10 Week Challenge virtually during the COVID pandemic. Stress from trying to care for my two toddlers while my husband and I were both working from home were getting to me mentally, emotionally, and physically. I needed to do something to put myself first for the first time in a very long time since becoming a mother. My goal going into the challenge was to get stronger and tone up my midsection.  The Life Coaches educated us on nutrition, gave suggestions, shared recipes, and went above and beyond to answer any and all questions. My Max family helped hold me accountable and motivate me to be the best version of myself, more than my fitness DVDs ever could.  My arms have definition now, my stomach has gotten flatter, and my shorts are loose!  The workouts are fun, different every day, modifications or leveled up for all exercises given your personal fitness level and music is blasting! My young daughters have been watching my journey and have started to be more conscious about “healthy” choices. My two year old loves sharing (stealing) my salads and my 4 year old daughter now likes salmon and egg white and spinach omelettes!  It’s hard to imagine I thought I was making healthy choices before this challenge. Now I won’t put something in my shopping cart without checking the ingredient list.  This program is so much more than a fad diet. I am feeling so much more energized, confident, and my stress level has decreased. Thank you Max Challege for the lifestyle change I needed."

Brianne's FABULOUS before and after pics!

Learn more about boosting your physical and mental health with The MAX Challenge! Click here to visit their website, or connect with them on Facebook. The next national challenge starts September 14th, in-center or virtual! Do something special for YOU and sign up today.