
Follow my Fitness Journey with The MAX Challenge Feasterville!

An insider's look at the location's very first 10-week challenge.

By Marcie Ferrick, Macaroni Kid Lower Bucks, PA Publisher July 3, 2020

I’ve always been a quitter. When it comes to exercise, I’ll stick with a routine or program for a couple of weeks, maybe a month, then I miss a day, then another day, and just give up on the whole thing. I’ve purchased countless Beachbody DVDs over the years (pre-Beachbody On Demand; you know, when DVDs were still a thing) and have paid for numerous fitness app subscriptions, but nothing stuck. What’s always been missing for me, and what I really need in order to stick with something, is the accountability. One day early this year, I was in the Feasterville Shopping Center (I can’t remember why - probably taking my son to jump his little brains out at Altitude) and I noticed signs in the window about The MAX Challenge coming soon. After researching the program online, I decided that this was it; this was the program that would give me the accountability factor I’d been missing and so desperately needed. I met with the franchise’s fantastic owner, Divya (who, on a side note, is so genuinely committed to helping people meet their fitness goals, increase confidence, and better their lives, you just can’t help but love her), and we decided that it would be great for me to enroll in the location’s first 10-week challenge and write about my experience for Macaroni Kid Lower Bucks. 

The Center was originally scheduled to open in the spring, but of course COVID-19 had other plans. Rather, the virtual Grand Opening and start of The MAX Challenge Feasterville’s very first challenge, which has started via Zoom, was held on June 15th, and we are now ending week three. I wouldn’t necessarily say I’m a morning person (not really a night person, either; more of an afternoon person), but I’ve woken up at 5:30am Monday through Friday for the past three weeks to join the live 6am workout from the comfort of my living room. If a 6am workout doesn’t sound like your thing, don’t worry...the Center will finally get to open this Monday, July 6th, and there will be a variety of class times available in the morning and evening. PLUS, the virtual version will still be an option for anyone (like me, honestly) who doesn’t yet feel comfortable going to the Center. Recordings of the Zoom workouts are made available, as well, in case you’re not able to join live. And I’ll tell you that, even with the recordings, you’ll feel that Lead Trainer, Linda, is watching (I don’t know how she does it) and that accountability factor will remain. Linda’s energy is contagious and she’s incredibly motivating, even at 6am. With a schedule of varied 45-minute workouts (Cardio on Mondays and Wednesdays, Upper Body on Tuesdays, Lower Body on Thursdays, and Kickboxing on Fridays),  plus carefully curated music playlists to keep you pumped up, you'll never get bored. One thing that is emphasized at The MAX Challenge is the expectation that you push yourself to YOUR level 10. There are lots of ways to modify exercises to level up or level down, and I never feel like I’m being compared to other members. This is about each member’s personal journey, but we are never alone. There is so much support in this program, and so far I’m feeling fierce and fit and loving it! 

Stay tuned to follow along on my fitness journey and see the outcome of my 10 weeks with The MAX Challenge of Feasterville!

Want to learn more?

Tens of thousands of members nationwide have been enjoying THE MAX Challenge Virtual Experience. We’ve supported our members with live, interactive online fitness classes, cooking demonstrations, motivational speakers, and mindfulness sessions throughout the pandemic – now, we’re continuing our virtual program AND introducing outdoor classes, along with safely-distanced in-center classes as regulations permit starting July 6th.

Click here to learn more:

THE MAX Challenge Virtual Experience as told by members

Outdoor Class Promo