
Note from the Publisher: I'd Love Your Feedback!

Help me make Macaroni Kid Lower Bucks as valuable as it can be for moms and dads in our community.

By Marcie Ferrick, Macaroni Kid Lower Bucks, PA Publisher January 23, 2020

As a new Publisher, I’m beyond grateful for our Macaroni Kid Lower Bucks subscribers and want to make sure I’m doing the very best I can to bring you the content you want. For that reason, I’ve created a very brief and anonymous feedback form so you can let me know which types of content you really enjoy, and which types of content you could do without.  Please note that a packed calendar of local events for kids and families is a Macaroni Kid must-have, so that’s a given! I’m looking for feedback related to the article content on our website and in our newsletter. Don’t worry, the calendar isn’t going anywhere, and I will gladly continue to hunt for great events so you don’t have to! 

If you’d take a minute to complete the feedback form, I’d greatly appreciate it. Please help me maximize the usefulness and value of this fantastic free resource for families in our community!

With gratitude,  
